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Making Accommodation Feel More Like Home: Tips From Experts

When working away it can be hard to make accommodation feel like home, or at least a bit more welcoming.

When working away it can be hard to make accommodation feel like home, or at least a bit more welcoming. Here’s some tips from working away experts to make the place more homely:

What You Can Bring With You

One of the biggest things that will make a difference is bringing along a small, travel-size, framed photo of family or your significant other. It won’t take up much room in your bag and instantly makes an apartment feel more like home. If you can keep them in your van without them getting dirty, you could also bring some personalised cushions or blankets.

Another good idea is to bring an Amazon Fire Stick. If the TV provided isn’t a smart TV, the lack of access to your favourite shows is going to make you feel homesick quicker than you think, if just because it’s too many changes at once. For the same reason, it’s good to bring with you anything small enough that would help keep your routines the same.

Pet Friendly Accommodation

You might have to pay a bit extra on your accommodation, but there are plenty of contractors that bring their dog with them on the road. Having your dog with you is the ultimate way to make your accommodation feel more like home. Walking them will also keep you busy after your shift, preventing boredom. You can also often find that providers of pet-friendly accommodation put more effort into making their accommodation welcoming and comfortable.

Prevent Boredom

A lot of people don’t realise this, but having nothing to do can quickly lead to feeling lonely and homesick in an unfamiliar place. If you can, try to meet up with some of your colleagues after work to eat together or do an activity. It can also be worth doing some exercise to pass the time. Lots of exercise helps focus your brain, stopping you thinking about missing your family. Gyms and swimming pools with steam rooms are even good places to have a chat.

Another idea is to stay with the rest of your team in a large serviced house. This way you’ll constantly have someone to talk to and eat alongside. Humans are naturally social and not many people can go long without talking to anyone about something other than work. Just add it to your next Booking Request to stay together on your next project. Your accommodation will quickly feel more like home if it’s full of people.

Keep In Touch

Not only is it good to keep in touch with your family and friends, but making it part of a routine can be very helpful. If you routinely talk to a loved one every day at 8 pm, then you can count on that call when you are feeling homesick. Just knowing exactly when you’ll hear from loved ones, instead of guessing, can make a huge difference. It even helps fight off boredom when you're stuck in a hotel room with limited TV channels. Talking to your family at the same time as you would every day at home can make your accommodation feel more like home, just by replicating that part of home.

Want to make sure your next project goes to plan? Check out ‘Staying With Your Team: Making Sure The Trip Goes Smoothly’.

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