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Self-Catering & Serviced Apartments

RAPID provides comfortable, flexible accommodation solutions for construction professionals

Self-Catering & Serviced Apartments for Contractors

For construction teams working on long-term projects, staying in hotels may not always provide the comfort and flexibility needed. Rapid Travel Group offers a wide selection of self-catering and serviced apartments, providing a home-like environment for your workforce to relax and be productive.

With self-catering, your team has the freedom to prepare meals, giving them more control over their daily routine. We have access to thousands of properties tailored specifically for contractors, featuring spacious living areas, secure parking, and essential amenities.

Self-Catering and Serviced Apartments for Contractors

Why Choose Self-Catering for Your Team?

Self-catering and serviced apartments are ideal for construction teams who need more space, comfort, and flexibility for longer stays. These accommodations allow your team to feel at home while still having access to essential services.

Benefits include:

  • More space – Separate living areas provide more room to relax after a long day.
  • Cost-effective – Lower cost for longer stays compared to hotels.
  • Home-cooked meals – Access to kitchens gives your team the freedom to cook their own meals, reducing food costs.
  • Long-term comfort – Spacious apartments with home-like amenities are ideal for extended stays.
Why Choose Self-Catering

Fully Equipped Serviced Apartments

Our serviced apartments offer the perfect blend of comfort and convenience. With housekeeping, secure parking, and 24/7 support, your team can focus on the job without worrying about accommodation issues.

Each apartment is fully furnished with modern appliances, offering:

  • Housekeeping services to keep the space clean and tidy
  • Secure parking for vans and work vehicles
  • High-speed internet and entertainment systems for downtime
  • Convenient locations near key transport routes and job sites
Fully Equipped Serviced Apartments
Competitive Rates for Long-Term Stays

Competitive Rates for Long-Term Stays

Through our extensive network of suppliers, we are able to offer competitive rates for long-term self-catering and serviced apartments. We negotiate directly with property owners to ensure your team receives the best deal possible.

Our interest-free credit facility ensures your business can manage payments easily, with one consolidated invoice each week, so you can focus on the project, not the paperwork.

Book with Confidence

Contact us today to find the best self-catering and serviced apartments for your team. Enjoy the flexibility, comfort, and convenience your team needs to stay productive while working away from home.

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Start your journey

Book a free virtual appointment with our experts to discuss ways to improve your booking processes.

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Contact Us

Got a question or would like to know more?

Give us a call on 0330 090 41 42 (our UK local rate number) or email info@rapidtravelgroup.com.