What Should You Bring In Your Carry-On Bag?

Travelling can be very stressful with much more important things to think about than what to bring in your flight carry-on bag.

Travelling can be very stressful with much more important things to think about than what to bring in your flight carry-on bag. That's why we've written up five important things to remember when you finally get around to packing it.

The Important Stuff for Your Carry-On Bag

It goes without saying that the most important thing to include in your carry-on bag is your passport, boarding pass and any other trip specific documents. Even if you won't need it for the plane, it's a lot safer with you than in your suitcase.


Even if your plane comes with a TV in the back of the seat in front of you, it's still a good idea to bring something else to keep you entertained for the journey. After all, you don't know there will even be something that you want to watch and it could even stop working. You might get a refund for a journey where the TV didn't work, but it doesn't make up for 7 hours of boredom.


It's always a good idea to bring a reusable water bottle with you, travelling can take a lot out of the body and it's best to stay hydrated. You can empty it (or drink it) before going through airport security and refill it from a water fountain on the other side.


Sucking on sweets can reduce the pressure build-up in your ears during take off and landing (or at least distract you from it), but not all sweets do the job. It might be tempting to pick your favourites but it's best to choose hard sweets or lollies, anything you won't be tempted to chew rather than suck.


It might be the hottest day of the year on the ground but you can always guarantee that it will get cold on the plane. It's a good idea to bring a hoodie/jumper and some socks if you're wearing sandals. For an overnight flight it might also be a good idea to bring a blanket.

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