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The Ultimate Working Away From Home Checklist

You're all set for a few days away on business. Or are you?
You've checked the oven is off, you've locked the patio doors twice and you've patted down your pockets at least three times to check you've got your keys. You're all set for a few days away on business. Or are you? Here's our 'Ultimate Working Away from Home Checklist' to make sure you don't miss any of the essentials: CHARGERS ‚Äì You've remembered to pack your mobile phone, laptop and tablet‚ but what about the chargers? There's nothing worse than being away from home, seeing you're down to 5% and realising you haven't got a charger. Save yourself the extortionate service station prices of buying a replacement and remember to pack all the necessary plugs. CASH ‚Äì In a world of credit cards and contactless payment, cash is fast becoming a thing of the past‚Ķbut whilst you're on the road, you never know when you'll end up in a little local pub that hasn't quite caught up. The last thing you want to hear is the cash machine is 'just' ten miles down the road in the next village. ADAPTABLE CLOTHES ‚Äì You're going to remember a few extra pairs of pants or knickers, but it's easier to forget changeable items to cover you for all occasions. If you've only got your work gear and get invited out for a dress-up meal, you're in a pickle. Make sure you have a change of clothes (and footwear) that can adapt to different situations. GYM GEAR ‚Äì Whether it's packing a t-shirt, shorts and trainers or a swimsuit and goggles, using your downtime away on the road is a great way to keep fit. However you prefer to work out, it's a great idea to pack your kit as a new pair of 'speedos' each time you're away can soon add up. BOOK/TABLET ‚Äì When you're looking to get some rest in the evening and can't stand the thought of flicking through the fuzzy channels on the pokey, wall-mounted television, a good book or a pre-loaded movie on a tablet can be a godsend. We recommend you keep the entertainment light and comedic‚Ķno horror whilst you're alone in hotel room 101. MEDICATION ‚Äì There's nothing more frustrating than turning to your bedside table before you go to bed and realising the medication you normally take before bed isn't there because it's not your bedroom. Or, after a long day, when your muscles are aching and some ibuprofen is needed, you don't want to be walking to the local chemist‚Ķthat, again, is 'just' ten miles down the road in the next village. TOOTHBRUSH (AND OTHER TOILETRIES) ‚Äì The classic clich√©d item for a reason, these days most hotels will be able to provide you with a replacement toothbrush. But it's not the same as using your own. And let's face it: those complimentary toiletries by the sink only go so far. Make sure you've got a little plastic bag filled with your most used items. And there you have it, a rundown of those little things that, if remembered, will make sure your work away from home goes off without a hitch. Of course, finding the right hotel...figuring out the best transport links into town‚Ķand assessing the local area for food and entertainment is a different challenge. The good news is, here at Rapid Travel Group, our dedicated team of Travel Advisors are always on hand to sort all that for you. In fact, when it comes to booking your next business trip away, why not get in touch and let us do all the heavy lifting? You can contact us on 0330 090 41 42 or email at info@rapidtravelgroup.com to discuss your business accommodation needs.

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