The Six Top Tips For Staying Happy When Working Away From Home

Our top tips we've developed over the years to help clients stay happy whilst working away from home.
When it comes to working away from home, whether you're out of town for three days or three weeks, it doesn't take long for you to start feeling a little disorientated. Sleeping in a different bed. Figuring out a different time zone. Being away from your friends and family. Working in different surroundings. Meeting new people. Sure, it can be stimulating. But it can be equally as stressful. It's why we've outlined here six top tips we've developed over the years to help clients stay happy whilst working away from home. We hope they help you on your next business trip.
  1. STAY IN TOUCH WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Whether it's your partner and children back at home, or just a good friend you spend a lot of time with…absolutely number one most important thing you must do to avoid freaking out whilst away is to stay in touch. A text here, a 'whatsapp' there – whichever way you prefer to stay in touch is great. But we'd also recommend scheduling a regular telephone or Skype call each evening to check in and have some proper time to talk.
  1. ESTABLISH A ROUTINE: One of the most disorienting elements of working away from home is the fact you're often thrown out of your regular routine. Though it doesn't sound like a big deal, we are creatures of habit and, without realising it, we become attached to simple daily processes we take for granted. When we break with our typical routine, it causes anxiety and stress. So, as much as possible try to stick to the regular routine you'd follow at home. Where that's impossible, at least establish a routine while you're away.
  1. PACK YOUR FAVOURITE FILMS AND BOOKS: In the same way we take comfort in the familiarity of homely routine, we can find peace in a favourite film or book we know we enjoy. Being away from the responsibilities of home often means you find yourself with much more time than you're used to, especially in the evenings. Though a few drinks in the hotel bar can be pleasurable, even the most hardened drinker might struggle to fill the time on a longer trip away! It's why we recommend loading your tablet with a few fun films or packing that book you've always meant to read.
  1. GET OUT AND MEET PEOPLE: Even though you might be sad to be away from your loved ones, holing yourself up in the hotel room every night is the last thing you should do if you want to stay happy on the road. Getting to know new people in the hotel bar, continuing the conversation with a new client over dinner and drinks, or popping in on a pub quiz with colleagues you're travelling with…they're all great ideas. Often it's in these more casual and relaxed social moments that a key business breakthrough can be made.
  1. DO SOME EXERCISE: Even if you wouldn't ever dream of hitting the gym when you're at home, you should give it a shot while you're on the road. A little exercise gets the blood pumping and your brain starts to release dopamine, which literally gives you a happy feeling. And besides, if it's a hotel gym, you don't need to worry about washing all the extra towels and gym gear you normally use - you can get laundry to sort it for you. Double win.
  1. AVOID WORKING ALONE: It's easy to flip open the laptop on the hotel room desk and start working away. That's why there's always a desk in the hotel room, right? Maybe. But as anyone who works from home a lot will tell you, working in isolation too often isn't great for your mental wellbeing. As much as possible, you should avoid working in your room and take the laptop down to the hotel bar or a café across the street and do you work around others, as you would do normally. Having the opportunity to take regular breaks and chat the waiter or a fellow hotel guest will save you from feeling lonely and isolated in your room.
And there you have it...six things you can do to make sure you keep the disorientation down to a minimum and enjoy your time working away from home. That said, if you ever find yourself at a loose end and in need of a helping hand, when you book your accommodation through us, one of our travel assistants will always be on hand to offer advice on the best local bars, gyms or restaurants to check out. To find out more about how Rapid Travel Group make sure all of our clients stay happy whilst they're working away from home, call us on 0330 090 41 42 or email us at

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