The Dos Don'ts Of Working Away From Home

To avoid embarrassment, here's what you should and shouldn't do away on your next business trip.
Unshackled from the drudgery of 9-5, you're suddenly free as a bird, exploring new towns, meeting new people and, best of all…someone else is washing your towels. Working away from home can be great. But it does present challenges. To avoid embarrassment, here's what you should and shouldn't do away on your next business trip. DO PACK LIGHT – Carting loads of luggage when you're on the move is annoying. Worse still is the moment you try to pack it all back in the case at the end of the trip and it's doubled in size. Keep things simple and pack light. DON'T FORGET THE ESSENTIALS – Minimalism is all well and good, but some things you should never forget. Your charger, work gear – suit or safety vest – and a change of clothing for the evening are all essentials. See our Ultimate Work Away From Home Checklist here! DO GET PLENTY OF REST – While you're on the road, you often end up working longer hours without really noticing. That's why it's so important to get plenty of rest. Take advantage of the fact you've got the bed to yourself and enjoy stretching out. DON'T BURN THE CANDLE AT BOTH ENDS – Hey, we're all about having fun here at Rapid Travel Group, but don't forget: while away on business you're representing your company. Staying out until the early hours might seem a good idea at the time, but you'll regret it in unfamiliar surroundings the next morning. DO CHECK DIRECTIONS AND PARKING – The night before you start on a job, make sure you check your sat nav. or phone map to review the route and plan for any potential hold ups. And if you're not leaving your car at the hotel, make sure there's plenty of parking where you're heading. DON'T GET LOST – As silly as it sounds, you never know what road works are going on, how a new one way system has just been implemented or if the local school run clogs up every road each morning (which it always does). Arriving late at the meeting or work site you've travelled to be at is not going to look good. DO COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR FAMILY – It's important while you're away to stay in touch with home. There's nothing worse than being stuck in an innocuous meeting, while back home your partner is dreaming up a completely different narrative, wondering if you're even alive. Stick to a fixed time each day to check in and catch up. DON'T GO 'OFF GRID' – Tempting as it is to think while you're away on business you're actually James Bond or Homeland's Carrie Mathison on some important spy mission…you're not. As well as keeping in touch with your family, when travelling with colleagues, be sure to communicate with them too. Save time and money (and help avoid getting lost) by travelling together and eating out as a group. DO KEEP ALL YOUR RECEIPTS – A business travel essential, but so easy to forget. Make sure you keep a record of everything you spend. A little more time consuming in the short term, but more effective in the long run is to keep a pen with you and mark each receipt as you collect it. Saves you racking your brain two weeks later when Phil in accounts is demanding to know why you spent £4.37 at the WH Smith in Whitstable. DON'T ORDER THE LOBSTER – While you should enjoy your down time, if you're eating out on the company, it's bad form to take liberties. If you're in doubt about what's allowed, have a quiet word with the boss before you go. That way you'll be able to enjoy the steak and ignore Phil from accounts who's stood outside the restaurant watching you from across the street. DO LET US TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING – Of course, the easiest way to make sure you don't fall foul of a business trip faux pas is to let us do all the heavy lifting for you. When you book your next business trip through us, our Travel Advisors go out of their way to make sure every last detail is covered. So… DON'T BOOK WITHOUT RAPID TRAVEL GROUP –Problems checking in, a noisy neighbour, parking is a mile from the hotel…these are all problems one of our dedicated Travel Advisors will make sure you never have. Make sure you don't ever travel without our number in your contacts. Add 0330 090 41 42 to your contacts today or email us at to find out how we can make sure you don't have any problems and do have a great time on your next business trip.

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