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The CLR Expo 2023: Our Third Year Exhibiting

The expo is held every September at the NEC Birmingham

In September 2023 we’ll be at the CLR Expo again for the third year in a row!

About The Expo

The expo is held every September at the NEC Birmingham. It used to be called the Contamination & Geotech Expo but has been rebranded to the Contamination & Land Remediation Expo. The event is over two days, this year the 13-14th of Sept. You can get free tickets here!

The event got almost 2,000 visitors last year and hopefully even more this year. Many of which are decision makers looking for ways to improve their business with new technology and outsourcing.

Rapid At The Expo

We’ve been exhibiting at the CLR Expo since 2021 and were supposed to exhibit in 2020, which was cancelled. Just like last year we’ll be running a competition for a chance to win some Apple AirPod Pros just by visiting our stand CT - H21 and putting your business card in our champagne cooler!

Rebecca & Linda at our stand in 2022 with the Apple AirPod Pro contest in front of them.

Even if you don’t want to enter our contest we still love speaking to our clients. This year you can expect to see Linda (Sales Director), Karl (Technical Director), and Lynsey (HR & Culture). Rebecca is unfortunately unable to attend this year.

Our favourite part of the combined ESS expos is the vehicles & equipment demonstrations. Linda is especially excited to see this year’s big machines. Karl and Lynsey haven’t attended the expo before so are looking forward to everything!

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