Taking the Train: our top tips

Train journeys can feel like forever, especially if you have a few changes on the way.

Train journeys can feel like forever, especially if you have a few changes on the way. Here's some tips for taking the train to make a long journey feel quicker:

Wrap Up

No matter how warm it is outside (not very at the moment) you can guarantee the train will be a bit chilly. In weather like this it's a good idea to bring a thick coat and some gloves. In the summer, unless it's the hottest day of the year, a jacket is still a good idea.

You won't be sat down all the time

It's a good idea to wear some comfy trainers or walking shoes, especially if you have to change trains during your journey. Many stations require you to walk a good distance between platforms and up and down flights of stairs. There's also a chance your train will be standing room only when you first get on and it might be quite a few stops before you find a seat.

Get some work done when taking the train

Planes and trains are the perfect place to get some work done. If possible, get yourself a seat at one of the tables and remember to bring a fully charged laptop. It might not be the quietest working environment but you'll have plenty of time.

Headphones are a must

It goes without saying that you should bring your phone and with it so long as you have some headphones or Airpods, entertainment possibilities are endless. You can listen to a Podcast, some music, check out YouTube and TikTok, or even watch a film on Netflix. It's probably best to bring some backup wired headphones if you prefer Airpods. It would be a bad time for them to run out of charge.

Bring some food

Not all trains have a food carriage or a trolley that comes down. It's a good idea to bring some food with you just in case. Most train stations have somewhere to get some food and many of the bigger ones have places like Burger King and KFC.

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