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Saving Money on a Business Trip: 5 Top Tips

Saving money on a business trip can be challenging! Here’s our top 5 ways you can bring your overall costs down.

Saving money on a business trip can be challenging, especially in 2022! Here’s our top 5 ways you can bring your overall costs down:

Avoid Expensive Dates

It might not always be possible but avoiding working in a seaside town on a bank holiday or a major city at the same time as a big event is a great way to make sure you aren’t paying over the odds for accommodation, just because of an event that isn’t relevant to you. When you're planning a business trip it’s a good idea to do a quick Google Search for events in the area. Most events won’t be relevant but any festivals, performances by huge acts, large expos, and large sporting events are likely to make prices skyrocket.

Saving Money on a Business Trip by Refining your Budget

It’s easy to lose track of how much your company spends on corporate travel annually. A good way to make sure you are always on top of your budget and annual spending is by regularly checking your RORI account. RORI is our bespoke booking platform, which keeps detailed records of your outgoings on business travel. It’s also a good idea to think about which requirements you have that might push your average costs per trip up, such as separate rooms.

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Don’t be Loyal to your Accommodation

It might save time and effort to always stay at the same hotel chain, but it could mean you are paying over the odds. Trying some independent accommodations and other chains might come with the risk of it ending up not being quite what you want but you will save money. There’s no need to worry about accommodations not looking like their photos either, because as long as you let us know ASAP, we can get you new accommodation and most likely get your money back. Don’t leave it too late though, they might not give you your money back if you stayed there for several nights before speaking up.

Save on Food

One of the things that make business trips expensive is having to eat at restaurants, cafes, and takeaways while staying in a hotel. By staying in a serviced house or apartment you can save money by just cooking as you normally would at home. Many serviced houses and apartments have full kitchens and almost all have cooking facilities far beyond a microwave. This is also a great way to make sure you stay healthy when working away a lot. Restaurants, cafes, and takeaways don’t design their menu with the intention that the food should be eaten every day, and therefore don’t usually make their meals very healthy or nutritious.

Serviced Accommodation: the benefits

Save Money by Getting the Best Deal

The best way to go about saving money on a business trip is before you even leave home! Nobody ever gets the best deal by choosing the first suitable hotel or serviced accommodation they see. It might take time and patience to search for the very best deal you can get but it’s always worth it. 

If you don’t have time or just don’t want to dedicate that time, why not let Rapid do the work for you? We collect all of your requirements and find you something ideal - for the very best price possible!

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