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Mistakes People Make when Sourcing Digs

Mistakes are easy to make when sourcing digs and they can easily lead to higher costs & time wasted.

Mistakes are easy to make when sourcing digs and they can easily lead to higher costs & time wasted. Here are some of the common mistakes people make and how you can avoid them:

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Not Truly Knowing Your Requirements

It’s tempting to start your search by simply seeing what’s available in the area, but this is a mistake that can cost you valuable time. First, review your budget (per person, per night & in total) and consider if that needs updating for current prices or not. Then, make yourself a list of requirements and rank them from most to least important; some will be essential, others you might get rid of to get within budget. If you start your search with specific filters, you’ll have far fewer results to sort through, and the results should be far more relevant to you.

Not Checking What’s Happening in the Area

Booking your digs in the same area & date as a large event can take you completely out of budget. It’s always worth checking you aren’t looking for digs next to a major football ground on the same night as the Premier League Final, for example. In this scenario, it’s worth considering how close to that area you actually need to be and if travelling to the site is better than paying double for your digs. Additionally, if a city centre hotel is too cheap, it might be next to a nightclub that’s going to keep you awake!

St Pancras Renaissance Hotel, London

Not Checking the Cancellation Policy

One of the mistakes we see most often is just booking the cheapest rate (usually non-refundable). It might be tempting to save by getting the non-refundable rate, but unless you can 100% guarantee there won’t be a single change to your date, number of guests, or requirements, it’s a gamble not worth taking. We get asked to amend bookings daily, so changes are bound to happen, and it isn’t worth losing your deposit (or possibly full payment). Even on flexible or refundable rates, it’s important to read the fine print; there is often a deadline for refunds!

'What is the difference between Flexible Rate and Non-Refundable?'

Not Checking the Reviews Carefully

When strapped for time, it’s easy to think you don’t really need to read the reviews if it looks suitable enough, but you could easily regret that. It’s especially important to check the reviews for features of the hotel or accommodation that most matter to you. The pool not being the best might not matter too much, but insecure parking is something you should definitely be aware of. It’s also important to read the very positive reviews and check for signs they might not be real, such as multiple reviews sounding similar or being very vague. We always check the reviews and reuse accommodations we trust to ensure this doesn’t happen.

Wasting Time Searching for Digs Yourself

One of the biggest mistakes people make is simply wasting their time searching for digs when you can have someone else do it for you. By outsourcing your accommodation with Rapid, you can save a potential 16.5 hours a week (average for our clients)! Our Travel Advisors provide a personalised service tailored to you & your business. We always look for the perfect, most cost-effective digs for you.

If you’d like some help sourcing your digs, just book an appointment below, and you can have a quick meeting with our Operations Director to talk about how we can benefit you & your business.

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