Looking For Ideas To Market Your Business? The Best Ones Could Be In Your Own Office

We have an absolutely cracking team always working diligently behind the scenes.
We're lucky here at Rapid Travel Group. Not only do we have loads of brilliant clients who make our job extremely fulfilling each day – we also have an absolutely cracking team always working diligently behind the scenes. We were reminded of this recently when we decided to hold an Apprentice-style competition here in the office. Everyone was allocated a team and each team was tasked with going away for the day to come up with an easy, actionable idea to help improve the company in some way. Our guys and girls got straight to it. Off they went in the spirit of the challenge to conjure up inventive ways to get more customers, improve our service for existing customers or come up with whatever ideas they could think of. Once the teams had brainstormed they had to pitch them plans to our very own Lord Sugar, Karren Brady and Claude Littner. We'll let you decide who was who – but we can tell you our Karl made a great Mrs Brady. There were some great ideas presented. Pitches included updating our customer details to include specific needs and wants for that particular customer. Collecting the Twitter handles of new clients so we can help promote their businesses. And there was a great idea for finding new customers by sending a mug and biscuits to ask for a meeting. The best ideas got put into action and you can see our new friends at Richfords modelling their mugs: It was a great day and not only helped us grow as a business, but reaffirmed how important our people are in the process. It's a good tip for any business out there looking for new ideas to grow and improve their business. All too often we look outside for inspiration, but sometimes the best ideas can be found right there in your office. In fact, to reward the winners of our Apprentice-style competition we sent them off to dine in style at The Comfy Duck restaurant at The Oaklands: Of course, as you can see: the girls won. We'll certainly be doing this again in the Rapid Travel Group office and we highly recommend you do the same.

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