Last Minute Business Trip?

No Problem, We’ve Got You Covered
You've got a new client's attention... You've organised a meeting... You've prepared a pitch that is bound to get you the contract. Problem is: the only time they can meet is tomorrow…and they're on the other side of the country. You need to sort out accommodation fast. You check the usual websites, but the prices seem unreasonable. How much for one night? It must be cheaper than that, surely? You decide to leave it a minute and check you have a suit clean. You come back to your laptop and check the prices again. It's gone up! What's going on? You check a couple of other hotels in the area and they're even more expensive. What's worse: they're all suggesting there's only one room left and fifteen people have viewed that exact same room in the last fifteen minutes. Argh. You start to panic. What if you can't get anywhere to stay? You're fretting because you've already wasted an hour you could have used to prepare for the meeting. You can't waste any more time. You bite the bullet and book the expensive “last remaining” room. Even now, as you try to quickly secure a bed for the night, time is ticking away. The website is asking you a million and one questions that do not seem relevant to your stay. They're asking you to register for some kind of 'reward club' before you can complete the booking. A million tick-boxes later, it's finally booked. At least you think it is. The website kind of crashed just before the confirmation. You print off the confirmation email you're sent, but you're still not 100% sure when you get to the hotel, you'll definitely have a room. Ever gone though this? If you travel for business and you've tried to book a hotel room quickly, you'll probably recognise the anxiety. It's horrible, right? It doesn't need to be like this Here at Rapid, we know what it's like to go through the accommodation-booking nightmare described above. We know booking accommodation can quickly become a real stress as companies use cookies to track your viewings, adjust prices and rush you into making a decision. It's why we help our customers avoid ALL of this. When you come on board with Rapid Travel Group, we take all the stress and strain of booking a hotel out of the equation. We strive to get you the best locations, the best rooms and the best price (in fact, thanks to a few tricks we have up our sleeve we can save you a fortune) and we do it fast. So, next time you need business accommodation in a hurry, save yourself the horror of booking it yourself and give us a call on 0330 090 41 42 or email us at While we sort out your accommodation, you can focus on your business.

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