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How to Stay Motivated when working Remotely

Keeping up productivity can be challenging when working from home.

Keep in Contact

Try to call a colleague once a day and have weekly zoom meetings. You can also download an app/website called Slack, Connecteam or Chanty which allows you to message your team.

Stay Organised

Plan your day just like you would at work, keep your diary up to date and write a to do list each day. It can be easy to stop doing things like this because it's easy to think you aren't actually at work but you will feel a lot less stressed about the situation if you have everything organised. Having a proper routine, including getting up at the same time everyday, will really help your brain to get used to knowing what hours are for work.

Make an Office Space

The further through the house your office space is from your bed the better. Working on your laptop in bed isn't the most ideal working conditions and you'll want to go back to sleep. Furthermore, you need separation between where you work and where you rest otherwise you'll start to consider your bed like an office.

Treat Working From Home Like an Ordinary Work Day

Get dressed as you would for work, eat your breakfast before getting started and invest in an actual office chair. Not only will an actual office chair (rather than a dining chair repurposed) be a lot comfier and healthier for your spine but it will help your brain believe you are actually at work. If you don't get dressed you will be in the mindset of wanting to go back to bed and not actually feel like you are at work.

Breaks When Working From Home

Remember to take all the breaks you usually would at work and consider using them to sit in the garden or take a walk. It's important to get some sunlight and fresh air when you aren't leaving the house for work.

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