How To Pack Your Luggage In The Most Effective, Timesaving And Economical Way

We put an end to the problem with five top tips on how to pack efficiently
It's the night before you head away on business for a week... You're due to meet your colleagues at the station early tomorrow. From there it's two hours to the airport, then an hour in a taxi when you land. Knowing how hard you find it getting up early, you probably won't have time to get breakfast until the airport, let alone pack your bag. So, the packing needs to be done now. But darn're not in the mood. There's something good on TV in a bit and – like wrapping presents for the family – packing your luggage is one of those things you'd really rather not do. Ever. We understand. It's annoying. And it's even more frustrating because you know before you've even packed you'll probably forget something essential and won't realise until you're at the hotel. Today we put an end to the problem with five top tips on how to pack efficiently, effectively and, most importantly, quickly:


Man or woman, long stay or short…this is the fastest way to take the stress and strain out of packing for a business trip. The basic idea behind a 'capsule' wardrobe is everything in it fits together. That way, you can keep your luggage light. All your ties should go with all your shirts. All your blouses should go with all your trouser suits. Socks, tights, you name it: they should all work in combination. Simplest way to achieve this: pick two or three complimentary colours, say, navy, white and grey and only pack things that fall in that range. It means you can quickly and easily mix fewer things up to create new outfits. Key thing is: less luggage means less stress.


So you've stuck to a simple theme and you've got a few well-chosen, interchangeable items. Good stuff. But before you put a single sock in the suitcase, you need to count it out. Lay it all on the bed and literally go through the days you're away. If it's seven nights, count out seven pieces of underwear and seven pairs of socks. Identify seven complete outfits. If there's not enough, add accordingly. If there's too much, get rid. Once you're happy you're covered for the trip, add in extra for one additional day, as an emergency. Now you're totally covered, but haven't got so much stuff you're traveling with an unnecessarily heavy load.


You've identified what luggage you need for your trip. In doing so, you've probably saved yourself a load of time already thanks to being a little stricter. And you know you're covered so there won't be any surprises like running out of underwear on the last day. Now you need to actually pack it all. You're in a hurry, so forget folding it all prim and proper. Our advice here is to roll it all up. It'll save time and space. If you try to fold it all, it's going to need an iron anyway (which we'll make sure you've got in the hotel). So, go for quick and compact.


Clothes now sorted in record quick time, you just need to remember the essentials. Toothbrush, moisturiser, deodorant. Whatever you use on the standard routine, take it with you. It feels horrible to be on the road without stuff you're used to using. But don't take the whole bottles and pots, invest in a set of those little travel pots you can find in most chemists these days and a sharpie marker to identify what's in them. You'll never look back.


What's worse than packing your luggage before a business trip? Packing it away on the last day, rushing to check out in time and wondering why what fit easily before doesn't fit at all now. So, here's a final tip to keep you sane during your time away and make checking out a breeze. As you use items during your trip, anything that can't be worn again, you should roll back up - nice and tight - and pack away in your case. As you work through the week, your luggage will essentially pack itself. Come the end of the trip, you'll just have the last outfit to stow and off you go. Simple. Follow these steps and packing your luggage should never be a problem again. That said, if by chance something goes awry and you're missing something essential, if you arrange your business accommodation with us, we've always got your back. Just give one of our travel assistants a call at any time and they'll go out of their way to make sure you're sorted. Give us a call on 0330 090 41 42 or email us at to see how we can help with your next business trip.

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