Growing Together: How Rapid Is Helping Local Businesses In North East Lincolnshire

Everyday here at Rapid Travel Group we're looking for new ways to help our clients.
Everyday here at Rapid Travel Group we're looking for new ways to help our clients. We understand that even the smallest change to the way we do things could have a huge impact on the firms we work for. But more than just aiming to help our clients save time and money when it comes to booking their business travel and accommodation, we're always thinking about other ways we can help too. That's particularly the case when it comes to the local business community here where Rapid is based on the Lincolnshire coast.

Putting people together

One of the advantages of being the kind of company we are is we get to connect and meet with so many different types of businesses. Take a look at Linda or Rebecca's little black books of people they've met and worked with over the years and your head would spin. But having such a wide range of contacts across so many different industries gives us a brilliant opportunity to help firms we work with to connect with each other. We're constantly introducing like-minded people to each other and helping make new business connections that strengthen the local business community as a whole.

Busy bees

One way we help to make sure our local business community continues to get stronger and stronger is in sponsoring the local business hub known as The Business Hive. Led by Mark Webb, The Business Hive provides small, local businesses with the access and experience they might otherwise miss out on if they were to go it alone. By providing local firms with breakout space and meeting rooms to meet clients and offering accounting, auditing and various other key financial services, we believe initiatives like The Business Hive are key to driving the local business community forward. It's why we're a proud sponsor of the group and continue to help in any way we can, including the recent Business Hive Challenge Day we sponsored and took part in.

There's a new team in town

As you'll see if you read this blog regularly, we're always looking for new ways to get involved locally and sponsor what events we're able to. For example, just recently we sponsored a charity polo day put together by the team at White Rose Polo Club just outside of York. It was a great day out and raised a lot of money for Prostate Cancer UK. But most recently, where sponsorship is concerned, we're pleased to announce that this season we're sponsoring the new and fast-growing local team, Cleethorpes Town FC. We'll be sharing more about this in a future post, but we're very proud to be involved with the club and see it as another great opportunity to invest in the local community and help drive the region forward. For us, that's what this is all about: Driving our own business forward by helping the businesses and community initiatives happening around us. Indeed, we're already talking to a number of local businesses we're hoping to help out in the future. As those exciting opportunities develop, we'll be sure to keep you up to date.

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