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Great Grimsby Town Deal

A Great Boost For Business In The Local Area
There's a buzz in the Rapid Travel Group office in Grimsby right now. And it's not just the hot weather we've been having! The reason we're excited is that there's been great news for Grimsby and the surrounding region this week. The Northern Powerhouse Minister, Jake Berry, and Lord Henley met with council leader, Ray Oxby, on Thursday to sign-off on a deal that could see over £60 million invested in North East Lincolnshire. Boom. £60 million. It's a pretty big deal, right? You can see why everyone is feeling positive. It's suggested the Greater Grimsby Town Deal, as it's known, could see as many as 8,800 new jobs created in the area. That's ace. But we're also talking about new housing, new shops and new entertainment. We're particularly pleased to hear, Grimsby's famous - but all too fatigued - docks are being specifically earmarked for regeneration. Here at Rapid Travel Group we couldn't be more pleased to see the increased focus and investment in the region we're proud to call our home. We're deeply invested in the area ourselves and try to support local business as much as possible. Later this month, in fact, we're sponsoring and taking part in The Business Hive's Business Challenge 2018 event, which promises to be a lot of fun, as well as being a great way to bring together local businesses. Naturally, with so much new business expected in the area, we're already preparing for the boost in demand for business accommodation, both from businesses visiting North East Lincolnshire and those new regional businesses that will be looking to network across the UK, and all around the world. We're keen to help businesses of all sizes with their travel & accommodation. We often find some small businesses don't realise arranging their business accommodation is something they can afford to have us do. But thanks to our decades of combined knowledge and experience in the industry, our clients are always impressed by how we're able to save them time, offer advice and make the whole process much more cost-effective. As Jake Berry MP told the BBC about the new deal for Grimsby: “It's extraordinary and exciting for the people of Greater Grimsby.” We couldn't agree more and here at Rapid Travel Group we're super excited about helping businesses of the region grow and prosper. So, if you'd like to find out more about how we can help you and your business when it comes to contractor accommodation, finding the right places to stay at the best price and making booking for business travel that bit less stressful, why not give one of our friendly travel assistants a call on 0330 090 41 42. They'll be happy to hear from you.

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