Five Ways To Have More Fun On Your Next Business Trip

Here are our top five suggestions to help make sure your time away from home flies by.
You've booked your next business trip with us and we've sorted everything for you. We've arranged a room with a view…we've checked there's plenty of parking…we've even made sure there's an iron in your room. Essentials aside, the next step is making sure you're all set to have some fun. Here are our top five suggestions to help make sure your time away from home flies by: TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE AGAINST THE LOCALS – We are a nation of quizzers. We like nothing more than gathering round a beer-stained table and huddling over the answer sheet to stop the team next door seeing what we've put for question six. In fact, no matter where you might be staying, you can be pretty sure there'll be a pub quiz nearby. If there are a few of you on the road together, you've got a ready-made team. But even if you're travelling alone, there's nothing stopping you covertly testing your trivia whilst you relax at the bar. Check out to see if there's a quiz happening where your work trip takes you. SOAK UP A LITTLE OF THE LOCAL CULTURE – It won't come as a surprise, but this island we live on has been around for a while now. It's seen the Romans laying roads…the Vikings building towns…even men in tall top hats instigating industrial revolutions. You name it, the UK's been there, got the t-shirt. Fact is: you're never too far away from a secret little slice of UK history. A great way to break up the repetitive nights away is to seek out a little of that culture. There's an absolute wealth of resources online, but a good place to start is Pop in the postcode of where you're staying and see what ancient surprise is waiting for you. SKIP THE DRIVE-THRU AND GO FOR A PROPER MEAL – It's OK to admit it. When you're on the road, it's easy to slip into the service station/maccyDs routine where every meal is quick and easy, but a little too beige. We've done it too…you're in good company. But take it from us, when you break the habit and start being a little more adventurous with your meals, it transforms every business trip. Don't get us wrong…we're not suggesting you dine out Michelin star every night (those receipts would not go down well with the company accountant). But a quick search on a comparison site like helps you find great restaurants that won't break the bank. LOSE YOURSELF IN A MOVIE – Whilst many people normally baulk at the idea of spending time alone in a cinema, when you've been stuck with your colleagues all day and you want to get some long-overdue 'me time'…hiding away in the local cinema and losing yourself in a good movie can be just what the doctor ordered. Plus, if you're away from the family…you can finally watch the film you've wanted to see for ages, as opposed to the one about the cuddly bear who's trying to find his way home. You can check the local listings for what's on, but a quick tip is to always check with the cinema themselves, as the right times don't always show up online. STAY CONNECTED WITH YOUR FAMILY – Sometimes staying happy on the road can be as simple as checking in with what's going on at home. Whether its catching up with your partner, or reading your kids a bedtime story…you should always remember to make time to stay connected with your loved ones. That said, be careful not to forget that while your hours might be different on the road, they're still the same at home. It's why we recommend setting a fixed time to Skype of FaceTime so you don't end up waking up a grumpy boyfriend or interrupting a wife who's out catching up with friends. The key thing to remember is, however you decide to spend your spare time when you're on the road, when you book your business accommodation with us, our dedicated travel assistants are always on hand to help you, 24/7. If you're unsure which restaurant to eat at, what time the film you'd like to see is starting, or which local pub is hosting a quiz that night…give us a call and we'll jump right on it. We'll go out of our way to make sure you have the best time you can. It's what we do at Rapid Travel Group: make working away feel that bit closer to home. So, when it comes to booking your next trip away, contact us on 0330 090 41 42 or email at to see how we can make your trip a lot more fun.

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