Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management, where the thinking is 'the customer is king'.
The perception of business travel being only about managing a booking system, is outdated - business travel continues to rebrand itself through the trend for integration and automation. What is often missing within our industry, is the value added by real people. This is where CRM comes in - Customer Relationship Management - the practice of building meaningful relationships with customers and suppliers. Because good mutual relationships are at the very heart of who we are, we're using dedicated software to track vital data from many sources (websites, social media, calls, chatting with clients on a regular basis, mail, and email), which in turn, allows Rapid's team to place the wants and needs of our clients at the forefront of our business.
Client expectations are growing, and it is not enough to simply book business travel - there has to be the ability to maintain a good client relationship built on trust, that no amount of advertising or marketing can achieve as effectively as one-on-one dialogue, and the intimate knowledge of a clients lifestyle, and what makes them happy. The integrated shift in thinking, has driven a new blend of personalised digital marketing, which should sit alongside face-to-face Customer Relationship Management, where the thinking is 'the customer is king' rather then 'just the content.'

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Travel & Accommodation

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