Coming up in 2018

Happy New Year, everyone!
Happy New Year, everyone! The phones are ringing, the coffee is hot and the Rapid Travel Group team are ready for our biggest and best year yet. Over the festive season, we've had the opportunity to take some time and reflect on some of the great moments of the past 12 months. 2017 was a big year for us with many highlights and successes that we're determined to build on throughout 2018. Throughout the past year, Team Rapid grew to 12 people as we welcomed Maisy, Bebhann and Brad as Travel Advisors. It's fantastic to see how passionate they are about the business and their clients. 2017 also brought changes to the way we work. Firstly, we launched our very own bespoke booking software (RORI) that enables us to enhance the efficiency of our sourcing and booking process - complete with personal profiles for each and every customer. Next, a ticketing system that helps us to improve response time and ultimately offer an enhanced customer service. As the company's grown, we've made sure that great customer service is always a priority.

Award-winning business

To top it all off, we won not one, not two but three awards! In April, Dragon's Den star Theo Paphitis named Rapid Travel Group #SBS winners in his weekly Small Business Sunday Twitter competition, and in September we won the #KingOf award on Twitter for King of Contractors Accommodation 2017. Also, Rapid is the High Growth Business of the Year winners for the Yorkshire and Humber region in the British Chamber of Commerce Business Awards! In November, the team travelled to London for the glittering ceremony. Although we didn't take home the national prize on the night, we had a fabulous evening. A wonderful way to round up a brilliant year.

So, what are we looking forward to in 2018?

Expanding the team – again.

As our business grows, our team grows with us. In five years we've grown from three to a team of 12. We carefully recruit each and every team member, looking for a whole variety of qualities in employees. One of the most important, of course, is personality - if you haven't got it, you're not getting in!

Getting out there.

Going to events is always a highlight, whether it's attending awards, going networking or visiting trade shows. We're looking forward to meeting lots of new businesses in 2018 and making the most of exciting opportunities that come our way.

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Travel & Accommodation

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