Behind The Scenes: A Day In The Rapid Office

It's always an early start here at Rapid.
It's always an early start here at Rapid. The whole team loves to get ahead of their jobs for the day and it also means there's more time to have fun in between. Usually, Rachael is the first in the office and is quick to check if there are any urgent jobs to do that day before getting the office up and running. As we operate a 24-hour support service for all of our clients, the first things that need sorting might arise from something that happened in the night. Whoever is in first will get on this stuff straight away. When everyone is in, we'll often gather in the main office for a team meeting. Once upon a time it use to be spacious, but it's harder and harder to find a chair these days as we keep growing. At the team meeting we'll discuss the new clients we've taken on so everyone is aware of their business and their specific needs. It's important to us to build strong relationships with all our clients, so it helps if everyone has some understanding of all the companies we work with. Those who've worked with us will know the Rapid culture is a very open one and we believe our best ideas can come from anywhere. It's why we always open the floor to everyone at meetings and if someone has a cracking idea about improving the business or the service for our clients, we'll talk about it and think of ways to implement it. After the team meeting, it's pretty much heads down until lunch. A huge part of our time is spent sourcing new accommodation, checking it's cool for our clients and doing cost-analysis to make sure we can get the best prices. This takes time. In fact, it's one of the biggest benefits of having us source your accommodation for you. Think of the time you could save if you didn't have to scroll through umpteen different hotels each time you wanted to book a business trip. For lunch people bring something in or will pop into Laceby, the little village next to where we're based in Lincolnshire. There's also a big Morrison's nearby if someone's thinking of stocking up on biscuits for the office. While Linda is often out of the office meeting new clients in the afternoon, Karl and Rebecca will meet with staff on specific projects to make sure everything is ticking along nicely. Perhaps surprisingly, working in business accommodation throws up different tasks and challenges each day. It's partly down to the fact that we work with so many different types of client, so their needs are always different. One afternoon we might be figuring out how to find rooms suitable for twenty labourers who need a huge amount of parking and easy access to a particular industrial site... While the next day we might be looking for a high spec hotel where an executive team can hold a series of corporate presentations and networking events. And in between all of that we're always on hand to deal with little questions and queries that might come in during the day. It sure makes the time go fast in the Rapid office and thanks to the team of crackpots we've got here – sorry, I mean hard-working grafters – there's never a dull moment. Of course, we wouldn't have it any other way. Happily working away we'll often lose track of time, but eventually the team start making their way home. Rebecca is usually the last to leave and will make sure everything is closed down and ready for the next exciting day at the Rapid office. So, if you'd like to find out more about Rapid and how our dedicated team could help you with your business accommodation and travel, don't hesitate to get in touch on 0330 090 41 42 – we're always on hand and happy to help.

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Travel & Accommodation

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