Behind The Scenes #1: What Happens When Sourcing New Accommodation

At Rapid Travel Group, we start working for your business a long time before we properly meet.
You might not realise it‚ But here at Rapid Travel Group, we start working for your business a long time before we properly meet. Sounds weird, we know. But here's the thing: when it comes to sourcing new business accommodation for our clients, we're always on the lookout for potential new options. We understand that when you need business accommodation, you often need it in a hurry and can't wait for us to be searching up and down the country for the right place. That's why we're always actively sourcing new places to stay, so we're able to quickly accommodate your needs as soon as we start working together.

The Key Question We Always Ask

There's a simple question we always ask when we're sourcing new business accommodation: Would we be happy staying there? It's why we always check all the rooms are comfortable, there's ample parking and all the relevant amenities are on hand. We'll also check out the local area to get a feel for the place. That way our travel assistants are able to recommend local restaurants and bars, in case you're staying for a longer trip. Only once we're totally happy with the accommodation and the surrounding area will we think about adding it to our potential list of possible contractor accommodation venues.

Building An Inventory

Of course, sometimes you'll need a place to stay somewhere we might not have checked just yet. In such cases, we'll always do due diligence on the place to make sure it meets the standards we expect for our clients. But as much as possible, we're always striving to build up our network of contacts and options ahead of time so we're able to provide bespoke accommodation you just wouldn't be able to get from a regular comparison website. For example, we were recently asked by one client to find them a place they could hold business meetings for a few days before turning the whole trip into a family holiday. No problem. We were able to source a wonderfully peaceful set of cottages that were ideal for both business and pleasure. So, whatever your business accommodation need might be, don't hesitate to get in touch with us however small, big or different the challenge may be. Thanks to our unmatched inventory of excellent contractor accommodation venues, we're sure to be able to find you somewhere that ticks all your boxes. Call 0330 090 41 42 to find out we can help with your contractor accommodation and travel.

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