A Great Way To Spend A Sunday…

We've taken part in sponsoring a Ladies Polo Team in aid of charity; Prostate Cancer UK.

If you have been following our posts, you will know that we have taken part in sponsoring a Ladies Polo Team at White Rose Polo Club on Sunday, in aid of the great charity, Prostate Cancer UK.

Unfortunately, Rapid came home with the wooden spoon this weekend, although it was a very close call with both of the ladies teams, Team Rapid and the opposition Spartans, thundering around the pitch in pursuit of the ball. A draw of 1-1 was had and so it came down to penalties, with Spartans taking home the trophy with one goal.

It’s not all about the winning, but it was great fun taking part and our Sales Director, Linda Anderson-Smith, was there to play her part in sponsoring the match, judging the best turned out pony, giving out prizes and contributing to a great cause (Prostate Cancer UK). A total of £2,000 was raised and considering the dismal weather, this was a great result and a fantastic way to spend a Sunday.

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