A Brand New Look As Rapid Speeds Successfully Into The Future

We’re so excited to announce the launch of a brand new look for us here at Rapid Travel Group.

We’re so excited to announce the launch of a brand new look for us here at Rapid Travel Group.

You see, every day across the UK, we welcome more and more happy clients under our wing to make sure all their business accommodation needs are met.

In fact, it’s been six years since we started making business trips more fun and in that time we’ve grown faster than we ever imagined.

It’s this simple process that’s got us where we are today – and it’s why we’ve got so many happy clients.

But as we grow, we want our brand to echo that simplicity. We want our core values and fun personality to shine through in every aspect of our business.

A new look that reflects our future plans

A huge part of what we offer is a personal service to our clients - it’s one of the many qualities we’re valued for. And we recognised, although we’ve grown to love our previous identity, we needed to make a change to move forward.

By rebranding, it also gave us an opportunity to evaluate our mission statement, our core values and even rethink our strapline.

After a lot of discussion, various design meetings and numerous ‘tweaks’, we finally achieved the look we believe will help us lead the company even further.

Brighter, lighter and a lot more fun, you’ll see our new brand suits us down to the ground.

Designed with The Creative Agency, our new identity also introduces our virtual ‘Travel Assistant’, who perfectly represents our young and passionate team, always on hand to help you on your trip.

It’s taken a lot of work. As with everything we do here at Rapid, we wanted it to be a team effort and we’ve made sure everyone is proud of what we’ve produced.

Our new identity encompasses everything we stand for. It’s personal, fun and just a little bit weird. We think we’ve hit the mark and hope you like the new look as much as we do.

Remember, when it comes to contractor accommodation, as your ‘Travel Advisor’ we’ll do whatever it takes to make your trip away feel much closer to home.

It’s what we’ve done for the past six years, and with our new look and success driving us forward, we’re excited to do it for many more.

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Travel & Accommodation

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