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7 year work anniversary at Rapid: an interview with Rowan!

Here’s what she had to say about 7 years at Rapid.

This Wednesday is Rowan’s 7 year work anniversary at Rapid and considering we only turn 10 years old in May, that makes her our longest serving employee.

Rowan joined us back in 2015 (when we were still called Rapid Accommodation) so the company has had some massive changes while she has been with us!

Here’s what she had to say about 7 years at Rapid:

What is your best memory from 7 years at Rapid?

I’ve loved watching the company grow and develop from the beginning to the great team we have now with lots of laughs along the way. When I first started at Rapid we were much smaller, were still called Rapid Accommodation and hadn’t yet expanded to booking internationally.

What do you love most about working at Rapid?

The way we are always continuing to improve our systems and the way we work, which benefits our staff and customers. Just a few weeks ago we had some fantastic improvements that I’m very excited about.

A photo of Rowan Hitchin, who is celebrating a 7 year work anniversary at Rapid!

What’s your favourite part of your role at Rapid?

Maybe it sounds geeky but my favourite part of my job is a good spreadsheet and when all the accounts balance. It’s wonderful to have a job I enjoy.

What makes Rapid such an appealing company to work for, to stay for 7 years?

Even though we are all homeworkers now I love the way we can all still work as a team; there is always someone to give a helping hand. The team are all lovely and I know that whenever I need them, they are just a call or a message away.

Have a look at the rest of our team: https://www.rapidtravelgroup.com/meet-the-team/

Team photo (minus the Directors, Accounts team and Michelle who was taking the photo) taken at HQ in March 2022: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbZ1bULo_tu/

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